Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Adrienne Rich, 1929-2012

On today's post of 3 Quarks Daily, I just learned that Adrienne Rich has died.

Adrienne Rich, 1929-2012

Here is an article in today's Los Angeles Times:

Adrienne Rich, a pioneering feminist poet and essayist who challenged what she considered to be the myths of the American dream, has died. She was 82.
When I was coming out in the mid-1970s, her poetry, and especially her book Of Woman Born, were pivotal in giving me a feminist perspective on my own gayness and on the gender roles of all men and women.

Now, as we all do, she has died.

3 Quarks Daily posted one of her most powerful poems, "To keep the death of the poet from her poems...."

I Dream I'm the Death of Orpheus, by Adrienne Rich

And so it is.

Blessèd be,